Swordfishing in Key West Florida

Swordfish are one of the most highly sought after migratory sport fish in the Key West area. These elusive fish, characterized by a long, flat bill and elongated, round bodies, can each nearly 10 feet in length and are often found lurking just below the ocean surface to depths of over 2,000 feet.

One of the keys to swordfishing in Key West is to carefully drop the bait. It is essential to always know where your baits are to keep them from hanging up. To avoid entanglement, performing a three-step drop where the line is let out one third at a time, taking up slack each time.

Bait needs to be durable. Swordfish often attack multiple times before taking the entire bait, so ensuring that food is fastened securely on hooks is essential. Using the proper amount of leaded weight is also essential particularly when dropping bait into lower depths where anglers will fight the ocean current as well as swordfish. Often, 30 pounds or more of lead is required.

Swordfish often lie in wait for their prey to approach them as its swept along by currents. By working with sounders to identify changes in the ocean bottom, anglers will be able to find areas where swordfish congregate as undersea mound produce eddies and crosscurrents that bring in many different fish. Swordfishing in this manner equires constant communication between fishing guides and anglers as bait must be adjusted according to seafloor depth. The backs of large seamounts tend to be areas where swordfish tend to bit.

Learning to tell the difference between real and errant strike is key. Watch the tip of the rod as it will tell anglers everything they need to know. Experienced fishing guides will point out difference in whether a swordfish is playing with the bait or has engulfed it.